§ 14.05.220. Site inspection by the building official.  

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  • A.

    Site Preinspection. Before approving any grading plans and specifications, the building official shall inspect the site to determine that the plans and specifications are current and reflect existing conditions.


    Inspection of Excavation and Fills. The permittee shall notify the building official when the grading operation is ready for each of the following inspections:


    Pregrading Inspection. When the permittee is ready to begin work, but not less than 2 days before any grading or brushing is started;


    Toe Inspection. After the natural ground or bedrock is exposed and prepared to receive fill, but before fill is placed;


    Excavation Inspection. After the excavation is started, but before the vertical depth of the excavation exceeds 10 feet;


    Fill Inspection. After the fill placement is started, but before the vertical height of the fill exceeds 10 feet;


    Drainage Device Inspection. After forming of terrace drains, down drains, or after placement of pipe in subdrains, but before any filter material or concrete is placed;


    Rough Grading. When all rough grading has been completed. This inspection may be called for at the completion of rough grading without the necessity of the building official having previously reviewed and approved the final reports;


    Final. When all work, including installation of all drainage structures and other protective devices, has been completed and the as-graded plan, professional written approval, and the required final reports have been submitted.


    Revised Grading Plan. Upon finding that the soil or other conditions are not as stated in the application for a grading permit, the building official may refuse to approve further work until approval is obtained for a revised grading plan which will conform to the existing conditions.


    Other Inspections. Upon determining that the work does not comply with the terms of the permit or this chapter, or that the soils or other conditions are not as stated on this permit, the building official may order the immediate cessation of all work there under, and such work shall cease until any required corrections are made.


    Notification of Completion. The permittee shall notify the building official when the grading operation is ready for final inspection. Final inspection will not be performed until all work, including installation of all drainage facilities, and protective devices, all erosion-control measures including vegetative protection, and irrigation have been completed in accordance with the final approved ground plan, and the required reports have been submitted. Final inspection will not be performed until as-built grading plans and final reports prepared by the licensed land surveyor or soils engineer of record are approved by the building official.


    Unexposed Work. Whenever any work for which inspections are required is covered or concealed by additional work without first having been inspected, the building official shall require, by written notice, that such work be exposed for examination. The costs of exposing and recovering for the purposes of examination shall be borne by the permittee.


    Authority to Stop Work. Whenever any building work or grading is being done contrary to the provisions of this chapter, the building official may order the work stopped by notice in writing served on any person performing or otherwise responsible for such work, and any such person shall forthwith stop such work until authorized by the building official to proceed. The provisions of Appendix Chapter 1 of the California Building Code, as amended, shall apply to grading construction work.

(Ord. 7127 § 5 (part), 2007: Ord. 6483 § 2 (part), 1992)