§ 14.05.170. Cuts.  

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  • A.

    Slope Gradient. The slope of cut surfaces shall be no steeper than is safe for the intended use including landscaping or vegetation for erosion control. Cuts shall be no steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical (2:1).


    Exceptions: an exception to the slope gradient ratio of no greater than 1-½ to 1 (1.5:1) may be authorized by the building official if soil test data, prepared by a soils engineer, substantiates, to the satisfaction of the building official, the stability of the slope and slope surface under conditions of saturation. Also, notwithstanding anything else to the contrary contained herein, the building official may require slopes which are on property having a slope greater than 2 to 1 which is also unstable to be stabilized in the most unobtrusive way possible even if such stabilizing will not result in a slope of 2 to 1.


    Drainage and Terracing. Drainage and terracing shall be provided as required by Section 14.05.200.


    Height of Slopes. Cut slopes shall not be constructed over 20 feet in height. The height of retaining walls shall be included in measuring the height of slopes constructed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.


    Height of Cut Slope. The vertical height of any finished cut slope created for the purpose of developing a residential dwelling pad shall be limited to the height of the proposed residential dwelling, or 20 feet, whichever is less. Where the total aggregate height of a structure is greater than 20 feet, separate cuts, set back as required, must be made (see Appendix A located at the end of this chapter).


    Width of Cut Slope. The aggregate lateral extension or length of the finished cut slope for a residential dwelling shall not exceed the maximum width of the residential dwelling by 20 feet. The intent of this standard is the maximum concealment of cut slopes by the proposed structure.


    Accessory Structure. The vertical height and length of any finished cut slope created for the purpose of developing a site for a permanent use or structure, accessory to a residential dwelling other than a swimming pool, tennis court or corral shall be the same as for a residential dwelling.


    Accessory Use. For the purpose of developing a tennis court, swimming pool, corral or other accessory use to a residence, the vertical height of any finished cut shall not exceed 8 feet, and the lateral extension or length shall not exceed 60 feet overall or 12 feet more than the width of the accessory use, whichever is less.


    Limited Number. The number of cut slopes created for accessory residential uses or structures shall not exceed 1 per residential lot, exclusive of the residence and garage.


    Road, Walk and Driveway Site. The maximum height of finished cuts developed for roads, walks and driveways shall not exceed 8 feet. Driveways and parking pads shall be graded in conformance with requirements specified for driveways in Title 17 of this code.


    Finished Slopes. All cut slopes shall be contoured to meet upper, lower and side slopes. The finished horizontal slope plane shall not exceed 50 feet in width and shall undulate in a manner which is similar to the natural topography in the vicinity of the site.

(Ord. 7127 § 5 (part), 2007: Ord. 6483 § 2 (part), 1992)