§ 13.28.100. Protests presented and board consideration.  

Latest version.
  • Any property owner affected by proceedings taken under this chapter, feeling aggrieved by any act or determination of the chief engineer or the board of directors relating to such improvement, or who may claim that the main or mains have not been laid in a workmanlike manner, or having any objection to the correctness or legality of the entries in said record book of the chief engineer, may within 30 days after the first publication of the notice provided for in Section 13.28.090, make and file with the city clerk objections or protest in writing which shall briefly specify the grounds of his objection or protest. At the next regular meeting of the board of directors following the expiration of said 30 days, the chief engineer shall present to the board of directors the record book and the entries therein pertaining to such improvement and the city clerk shall at the same time present to the board of directors any and all relevant objections or protests which may have been duly filed. Thereupon, or at a time to which the matter may be adjourned, the board of directors shall consider such assessment and any objections and protests which may have been filed pertaining thereto, and may remedy or correct any error or informality in the proceedings and revise or correct any of the acts or determinations of the chief engineer, or other officer of the city, relating to said improvement, and may confirm, amend, set aside, alter, modify or correct the changes entered in said book in such manner as to it seems just. The decisions and determinations of the board of directors in such matters shall be final and conclusive upon all persons entitled to object or protest under the provisions of this section.

(Ord. 2587 § 9, 1927)