§ 13.28.010. Districts established by resolution.  

Latest version.
  • Whenever the city manager recommends and the public interest or convenience requires the extension of any water main or mains of the Pasadena water department, to or into any territory in the city, or the laying of any such water main or mains in or along any street or streets, or right- or rights-of-way in the city, or the replacement or reconstruction of any water main or mains in any street or streets, or right- or rights-of-way of the city, the board of directors may, by resolution, declare its intention to so extend such water main or mains, or to lay such water main or mains, or replace or reconstruct such water main or mains, describing in such resolution the street or streets, or right- or rights-of-way, and the portion or portions thereof in or along which such main or mains are proposed to be extended, laid, replaced or reconstructed, together with the size and character of such main or mains. It shall not be necessary to describe in detail such improvement, but in such resolution reference may be made to the specifications, plans, cross-sections or profiles, or any or all thereof, on file in the office of the chief engineer of the Pasadena water department for further particulars and a description of such improvement. Whenever any such improvement is, in the opinion of the board, of more than local and ordinary public benefit, the board may make the expense of such improvement chargeable upon a district which the board shall in its resolution of intention declare the district benefitted by such improvement and to be assessed to pay the cost and expense thereof. Such district may be described by stating the exterior boundaries thereof or by referring to a plat or map that shall be on file in the office of the chief engineer of the water department of the city at the time of passing the resolution of intention, which shall indicate by a boundary line the extent of the territory included in the proposed district, which said plat or map shall govern for all details as to the extent of the assessment district. The district need not be described in any of the notices of resolutions provided for herein, other than the resolution of intention.

(Ord. 2587 § 1 (part), 1927)