§ 13.24.490. Cesspools prohibited.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Any person owning, using or controlling any premises to which a public sewer is available shall connect to such sewer before the expiration of 12 months after such sewer becomes available to him.


    This section shall not apply to persons owning, using or controlling premises which are located in territories which become annexed to the city on or after the effective date of the ordinance codified herein. Such persons, so long as they have a private sewage disposal system, must connect to such sewer before the expiration of 7 years after such sewer becomes available, or when the health department declares any such private sewage disposal system to be a health problem, whichever occurs sooner. In no case shall a new cesspool or other private sewage disposal system be constructed.


    For the purpose of this section a public sewer shall be deemed available to any premises if it lies in the street, alley or easement abutting the premises. In the application of this section any rear portion of any lot, regardless of the matter of ownership, shall be deemed to be a part of the premises included within the lot as shown by the recorded subdivision of which it is a part. Should any sewer in front of any premises be of insufficient depth to serve the rear portion of such lot by gravity, any person desiring to install plumbing thereon shall make provision for conveying sewage therefrom to the public sewer by pumping or by transmission to some other public sewer, it being the intent hereof that when any portion of the city has been sewered, cesspools therein shall be prohibited, even though it may not be physically possible to provide gravity sewer service.


    Failure to comply with the provisions of this section constitutes a public nuisance.

(Ord. 4810 § 1, 1967: Ord. 4170 § 3.09, 1950)