§ 13.24.450. Discharge—Garbage allowed.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Garbage resulting from the preparation of any food or drink prepared and served or proposed to be served on the premises may be ground and discharged into the public sewer upon approval of the city engineer and the superintendent as to the fineness of content determined by an analysis made with United States Standard sieves and based on wet drained weights in accordance with the following:


    Not less than 40% shall pass a No. 8 sieve;


    Not less than 65% shall pass a No. 3 sieve;


    Not less than 100% shall pass a ¼ inch screen.


    The method of discharge permitted under this section shall be by flushing with water directly into a trapped outlet into the house plumbing leading to the public sewer. The city engineer may limit the permissible quantity of garbage to be disposed of through garbage grinders.

(Ord. 4170 § 3.05, 1950)