§ 13.24.120. Addition to connection charge.  

Latest version.
  • If any of the costs and expenses of the construction of a public sewer is in excess of that portion which the city may have paid under the requirements of Section 3 of Article 9 of the Charter of the city either from its general funds or from moneys derived from a general bond issue, and is in excess of any amount which may have been paid by assessment of the property to pay such costs and expenses the city engineer shall, before issuing a permit to connect to said sewer, receive payment of an amount equal to $2.00 per front foot of the lot or parcel sought to be connected if the lot or parcel is rectangular and has an average depth of 100 feet or more. If the shape of the lot or parcel is other than the usual rectangular shape or unusual in area and the strict adherence to the above-mentioned provision would require a property owner to pay an amount not commensurate with the benefits to be received, the provisions of this section as to the amount to be charged may be modified as determined by the city engineer.

(Ord. 4170 § 4.06, 1950)