§ 13.20.240. Access to private premises.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Inspectors, foremen and employees of the water division whose duty it may be to enter upon private premises to make inspection, examination and tests of the pipes, fixtures or attachments used in connection with the water supply, shall be provided with a badge or other credentials to identify them as authorized agents of the water division.


    Any officer, inspector, foreman or other authorized employee of the water division shall, upon presentation of his badge or other credentials provided for in the preceding paragraph, have free access at all reasonable hours to any premises supplied with city water for the purpose of making any inspection, examination or tests of the entire water system upon said premises.


    In case any authorized employee is refused admittance to any premises, or being admitted shall be hindered or prevented from making such inspection, examination or tests, the general manager of the department may cause the water to be turned off from said premises after giving 24 hours' notice to the owner or occupant of said premises of his intention to do so.


    It is the duty of each officer and employee of the water division, upon resignation or dismissal, forthwith to deliver to said division all badges and credentials of the division held by him.

    (Ord. 5079 § 9 (part), 1972; Ord. 4737 § 2 (part), 1965; Ord. 4583 § 21, 1962)

(Ord. No. 7223, § 30, 7-16-2012)