§ 13.20.210. Meter installation.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of computing charges, each meter serving the customer's premises shall be considered separately, and readings of two or more meters will not be combined as equivalent to a measurement through one meter except when such combination is for the convenience of the department.

    The charge for the installation of the meter requested shall be paid by the customer at actual cost.


    All meters installed by the water division shall remain at all times the property of the water division and shall be maintained, repaired and replaced by said division; provided that adjustments, repairs or replacements of any meter rendered necessary by negligence, carelessness, or damage by the consumer, or any member of his family or anyone employed by him, including damage which may result from hot water or steam from boiler or otherwise, shall be paid for by such consumer to the division upon presentation of bill therefore; and in case the bill is not paid, the water shall be shut off from said premises without further notice and shall not be turned on until all charges are paid. If access to a meter or meter box is obstructed in any manner including the growing of plants or allowing them to grow, the depositing or allowing the deposit of any material or by the parking of any vehicle, the water division shall give a 15-day notice in writing to remove such obstruction before enforcing this provision by turning off the water. The notice shall be given to all of the consumers served by such meter.


    All water used on any premises where a meter is installed must pass through the meter. Consumer will be held responsible and charged for all water passing through the meter. When rate-of-flow tests indicate that an existing meter operates above its safe operating capacity, the city may require a consumer to install a larger meter and service at owner's cost.


    If water is served to the same premises through more than 1 meter, the water division may require a check valve on the consumer's side of each meter.

    (Ord. 6932 § 14, 2003; Ord. 6663 § 10, 1995; Ord. 6355 § 8, 1989; Ord. 6213 § 14, 1987; Ord. 5496 § 5, 1980: Ord. 5079 § 9 (part), 1972; Ord. 4737 §§ 2 (part), 8, 1965; Ord. 4583 § 18, 1962)

(Ord. No. 7223, § 27, 7-16-2012)