§ 13.20.200. Cross connections.  

Latest version.
  • Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations, Sections 7583 through 7605, requires that each water purveyor develop and implement a comprehensive backflow prevention program for protecting the public water supply from contamination or pollution.

    Pasadena Municipal Code Title 14, Buildings and Construction, Chapter 14.20 creates the cross-connection control board consisting of the general manager of the water and power department, the administrator of planning and permitting, and the health officer of the city or their duly appointed representatives.

    The city council has adopted the "cross-connection control policy" as part of the water regulations that establishes rules and regulations relating to cross-connection and backflow prevention.

    (Ord. 5079 § 9 (part), 1972; Ord. 4583 § 17, 1962)

(Ord. No. 7223, § 26, 7-16-2012)