§ 13.20.190. Action when property has more than 1 consumer.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    In all cases in which water is served to premises occupied by 2 or more different and independent consumers of water, which premises are held under 1 ownership, the owner or owners of such premises shall be and are required to provide for independent service to the curb line for each such independent consumer; provided, however, that if any owner of such premises so served with water agrees in writing to be responsible for and pay all money due for water used upon such premises, such independent service shall not be required. Should the owner or owners fail or refuse to provide such independent service or to assume responsibility for money due for water used upon such premises, the water division shall, after 30 days' notice to the consumers so served and to the owner or owners of such premises or the person in charge thereof, cut off the water from such premises until the independent services herein required are installed or the agreement assuming responsibility for money due for water served to the premises is made as herein provided.


    No consumer shall supply water to any person, firm or corporation on premises other than that owned or occupied by the consumer unless permission is granted by the water division, and in the event that such permission is granted, the owner or owners of such premises shall in writing guarantee the payment of all charges for water and water service serviced thereto. The water division shall give 30 days' notice in writing to all consumers served through such service before enforcing this section by turning off water; provided that such consumer may supply water to persons, firms or corporations for use in the performance of any contract for the improvement of any street or other public place after having received permission from the commercial division of the water division. But a permit may be denied to or for any person, firm or corporation whose indebtedness to the city for water or damage to hydrants is delinquent, or who has on one or more occasions taken water from the distributing system of the city or from the pipes of consumers connected with the distributing system of the city without having received the permission provided for herein.

    (Ord. 5079 § 9 (part), 1972; Ord. 4583 § 16, 1962)

(Ord. No. 7223, § 25, 7-16-2012)