§ 13.20.100. Meter reading and billings.  

Latest version.
  • The commodity rates for the several classes of water service are based on meter readings, read in units of 100 cubic feet. (A billing unit is 100 cubic feet of water or 748 gallons.)


    The water division may have bimonthly meter readings and billings.


    Opening and closing bills and bills for an irregular period are prorated on a 30-day-month basis.


    All charges for water and water service, as well as for refuse service, and all other charges, including taxes, surcharges and fees that are regularly assessed through the utility bill, are due and payable when rendered and become delinquent 30 days after the date rendered. In addition to any other remedy provided by law, there shall be assessed a penalty for delinquent bills pursuant to Section 1.08.080. The amount of such penalty shall be as set forth on the general fee schedule.


    If delinquent bills are not paid upon presentation, or on failure to comply with the rules and regulations established as a condition to the use of water, or to pay rates or any charges or penalty imposed in the time and manner herein provided, water may be turned off at any or all services where the customer is supplied with water until payment of the amount due is made. The appropriate reconnection and special service charges, in addition to all previously accrued charges, shall be made prior to having the service restored.

    (Ord. 6663 § 8, 1995; Ord. 6495 § 3, 1992; Ord. 5331 § 3, 1977; Ord. 5079 § 9 (part), 1972; Ord. 5028 § 6, 1971; Ord. 4647 § 5, 1963: Ord. 4583 § 10, 1962)

(Ord. No. 7223, § 17, 7-16-2012)