§ 13.20.030. Service charges and rates.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Distribution and Customer Charges. The monthly distribution and customer charges shall be as follows:

    Distribution and Customer Charges
    Group Served
    Area A Area B
    Residential—Small SF 5/8 ", ¾"
    Small Commercial
    Residential—Medium SF/Small MF 1" $32.55
    Small Commercial/Institutional
    Residential—Large SF/Small MF 1½" $65.73 $82.17
    Small Commercial/Institutional
    Residential—Large SF/Small MF 2" $154.21 $192.76
    Medium Commercial/Institutional
    Residential—Large SF/Medium MF 3" $376.95 $471.19
    Medium Commercial/Institutional
    Residential—Large MF 4" $582.55 $728.18
    Medium Commercial/Institutional
    Residential—Large MF 6" $890.95 $1,113.69
    Large Commercial/Institutional
    Large Commercial/Institutional/
    8" $1,456.35 $1,820.43
    Large Commercial/Institutional/
    10" $1,895.40 $2,369.26
    Large Commercial/Institutional/
    12" $2,141.53 $2,676.92



    Commodity Rates. The commodity rates for all water delivered shall be:

    Commodity Rate (Per One Hundred Cubic Feet)
    All First Block
    Water Delivered
    All Second Block
    Water Delivered
    All Third Block
    Water Delivered
    All Fourth Block
    Water Delivered
    Water delivered April 1st—September 30th:
    In Area A $0.91037 $2.50351 $3.00421 $3.75526
    In Area B $1.13796 $3.12938 $3.75526 $4.69407
    Water delivered October 1st—March 31st:
    In Area A $0.88385 $2.43059 $2.91671 $3.64589
    In Area B $1.10481 $3.03823 $3.64588 $4.55735



    Block Rates Pricing Structure. The ratio between the block rates shall be subject to annual adjustments based on the department's projected five-year water supply costs. The department shall calculate the adjustments, if any, and recommend any new ratio between the block rates to city council. Block 1 rates shall be priced to recover local water supply costs. Block 2 and Block 3 rates shall be priced to recover the first two tiers of imported water costs. Block 4 rates shall be priced to recover incremental costs of procuring additional imported water above the Block 3 consumption level and/or water conservation costs.


    Special Provisions.


    All water under this section is metered.


    Where water is delivered to land lying in both Area A and Area B, the rates are subject to adjustment based upon the use in each of the areas as determined by the water division.


    A charge set forth in the department's service regulations is made for each new account or customer originated account change. This charge is added to the first bill for service under the account.


    Deposits. The general manager may require a deposit in reasonable amount to guarantee payment for water to be delivered subsequent to date of demand for such deposit. If customer fails to make such deposit after demand therefore, water service may be discontinued until such deposit in the amount required has been made.

    (Ord. 7147 § 1, 2008; Ord. 6932 § 3, 2003; Ord. 6840 § 1, 2000; Ord. 6663 §§ 1, 2, 1995; Ord. 6543 § 5, 1993; Ord. 6506 §§ 1, 2, 1992; Ord. 6413 § 1, 1991; Ord. 6355 §§ 1, 2, 1989; Ord. 6213 § 4 (part), 1987: Ord. 6026 § 1, 1983; Ord. 5573 § 1, 1982; Ord. 5496 § 1, 1980; Ord. 5351 § 3, 1978: Ord. 5194 § 1, 1974: Ord. 5133 § 1, 1973: Ord. 5079 §§ 1, 2, 3, 1972: Ord. 5028 §§ 1, 2, 3, 1971: Ord. 4737 § 1, 1965; Ord. 4647 § 1, 1963: Ord. 4583 § 3, 1962)

(Ord. No. 7171, § 4, 7-20-2009; Ord. No. 7195, § 3, 7-12-2010; Ord. No. 7223, §§ 6—8, 7-16-2012)