§ 13.16.070. Protests and hearing.  

Latest version.
  • At any time prior to the day set for hearing objections to such connections being made, any owner of property liable to be assessed for the connections may make written protest against being required to make the connection or connections required of him. The protest must be in writing and must contain a description of the property in which each signer thereof is interested, sufficient to identify the same, and be delivered to the city clerk, and no other protests or objections shall be considered. At the time set for hearing protests, the board shall proceed to hear and pass upon all protests so made. At the time of such hearing or at any meeting held thereafter to which such hearing is continued, the board may sustain or overrule such protest or protests and may order that the proceedings to cause connections to be made be terminated, or may order that connections be made in accordance with the resolution of intention or may order the connections to be made of different number, approximate location, size or kind or of a different kind of material from that specified in the resolution of intention and may fix times other than those herein specified within which the owners of abutting property shall cause such connections to be commenced and completed. The determination of the board shall be evidenced by motion. Such determination shall be final and conclusive. In the event no protest is so filed, the board by motion shall make a finding to that effect and order the property owners to cause the work of making the connections to be commenced in accordance with the resolution of intention. A copy of such motion shall be posted for 2 days in a conspicuous place on or near the council chamber door. At any time, by motion, the board may extend the time for commencing and completing such connections.

(Ord. 3499 § 1, 1939; Ord. 3470 § 4, 1939)