§ 13.16.030. Resolution requiring connection.  

Latest version.
  • Whenever any improvement is about to be made in any street in the city, the board may adopt a resolution of intention to require the owners of real property fronting on the portion or portions of such street or streets intended to be improved to cause their several premises so fronting on such street or streets to be connected as provided in this chapter with the sewer main, light main, telephone main, gas main and water main, if any, in said street or streets or with such of said mains as are in or about to be laid in the street or streets and thereupon shall order the engineer to give notice thereof as provided in this chapter. Such resolution of intention shall specify the number, approximate location, size and kind of connections to be made and the kind of material to be used. Such resolution of intention shall fix the day, hour and place when and where any and all persons having any objections to such connections being made may appear before the board and show cause why the connections should not be made. Said time shall be not less than 20 days after the passage of the resolution. Upon the adoption of such resolution of intention, the engineer shall give notice as herein provided to all owners of real property proposed to be connected to cause their several premises so fronting on such street or streets to be connected with the sewer main, light main, telephone main, gas main and water main, if any, in said street or streets or with such of the mains as are in or about to be laid in said street or streets as provided in this chapter. The notice shall also specify the number, approximate location, size and kind of connections to be made and the kind of material to be used. The notice shall state the fact of the passage of the resolution of intention, and shall state that unless the owners thereof cause said premises to be connected with the main or mains in the manner provided herein, the city will cause said premises to be so connected at the expense of the owner of the property as hereinafter provided. The notice shall state the day, hour and place when and where any and all persons having any objections to such connections being made may appear before the board and show cause why the connections should not be made, and shall state that written protest must be filed not later than the day prior to the day set for hearing.

(Ord. 3470 § 3(a), 1939)