§ 13.16.020. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following terms when used in this chapter shall have the meaning attached to them by this section:


    "Board" means board of directors of the city of Pasadena.


    "City" means the city of Pasadena.


    "Connect" means to cause to be installed sewer, light, telephone or gas connections between a main in the street and the property line, or to cause to be installed water connections between a main in the street and the curb line in front of real property abutting thereon, in accordance with the resolution of intention provided for in this ordinance.


    "Connection or lateral connection" means the sewer, light, telephone or gas pipe or conduit extending from the main in the street to the property line, or the water pipe or conduit extending from the main in the street to the curb line in front of the real property abutting thereon.


    "Engineer" means city engineer and superintendent of streets of the city of Pasadena.


    "Improvement" means the grading, regrading, paving, repaving, macadamizing, remacadamizing, oiling or reoiling of any street as herein defined.


    "Main" means the principal sewer, light, telephone, gas or water pipe or conduit in the street to which lateral connections are made.


    "Person" means any person, firm, corporation or association of individuals.


    "Street" means any street, lane, alley, court or other public place.

(Ord. 3470 § 2, 1939)