§ 13.14.020. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purposes of this chapter, unless it is plainly evident from the context that a different meaning is intended, certain words and phrases used herein shall have the following meaning:


    Words used in the present tense include the future; the singular number includes the plural and the plural the singular; the masculine gender includes the feminine.


    "Affected property" means a parcel of real property to which utility service is provided from poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures within a district.


    "City council" means the city council of the city of Pasadena.


    "City" means the city of Pasadena.


    "Commission" means the Public Utilities Commission of state of California.


    "District" or "underground utility district" means that area in the city within which poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures are prohibited as such area is described in a resolution adopted pursuant to the provisions of Section 13.14.050.


    "Person" means an individual, firm, company, partnership, corporation, association or other organization.


    "Poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures" means poles, towers, supports, wires, conductors, guys, stubs, platforms, crossarms, braces, transformers, insulators, cutouts, switches, communication circuits, appliances, attachments and appurtenances located above ground within a district and used or useful in supplying electric, communication or similar or associated service.


    "Utility" means any person or entity supplying electric, communication or similar or associated service by means of electrical materials or devices, whether private or municipally owned.

    (Ord. 4872 § 1, 1968)

(Ord. No. 7232, § 2, 6-3-2013)