§ 13.11.035. Procedures for determining mandatory non-potable water service.  

Latest version.
  • 1.

    New Construction. All requests for water service for new construction projects submitted to the city will be evaluated for potential non-potable water use. All projects located over groundwater basins suited for non-potable water use and within five hundred (500) feet of existing or proposed non-potable water system to be constructed in the next five (5) years, shall be considered for mandatory non-potable water use. The city reserves the right to require customers to use non-potable water in lieu of potable water for all mandatory uses.


    Existing Customers. Existing water customers with annual landscape water use of 200,000 cubic feet per year (2,000 billing units) or more, within five hundred (500) feet of an existing or proposed non-potable water system to be constructed in the next five (5) years, will be required to retrofit said property to use non-potable water for landscape irrigation, if it is economically and technically feasible.


    Notice. The administrator will provide written notices ("notice") to all applicants and existing customers who are required to use non-potable water.


    Appeals. Within thirty (30) days after the notice is delivered or mailed the applicant/customer may file an objection ("objection") with the city clerk. The objection must be in writing, specify the reason for the objection, and request reconsideration of the determination, modification of the proposed conditions or schedule for conversion. The preliminary determination will be final if the applicant/customer does not file a timely objection. The administrator will review the objection and confirm, modify, or abandon the preliminary determination and issue a final written decision within sixty (60) days after the appeal has been filed with the city clerk.


    Non-Potable Water Use Permit Process. Upon a final determination by the administrator that a user is required to use non-potable water, the applicant/customer, shall submit an application for non-potable service and obtain a non-potable water permit.


    Temporary Use of Potable Water for New Construction. At the discretion of the administrator, potable water may be used on a temporary basis for a non-potable water application until such time non-potable water is made available.

(Ord. No. 7281, § 2, 5-2-2016)