§ 13.04.200. Billing procedure.  

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  • A.

    The rates established apply basically to monthly periods. The meter reading dates shall be determined by the department and bills will be rendered monthly or bimonthly at the option of the department. Bimonthly bills will be computed by doubling the monthly energy block and the monthly customer or minimum charge. When service to a customer is initiated or terminated between regular meter reading dates for a particular premises, the bill will be prorated on a basis established by the general manager.


    Notwithstanding anything in this chapter to the contrary, billing may be made and charges collected for service furnished hereunder to any customer at such times as the department considers to be in the best interests of the department and the customer so billed. Charges billed for a period of more than 1 month are made as though monthly meter readings had been taken and had shown equal use of service each month within the period and charges had been billed monthly thereon.

(Ord. 4922 § 17, 1969: Ord. 4514 § 12, 1960; Ord. 3524 § 14 (part), 1940; Ord. 2947 § 22, 1931)