§ 13.04.178. Self-generation service.  

Latest version.
  • Schedule SG

    Self-Generation Service


    Availability. Available and mandatory to customers with self-generation or cogeneration capacity.


    Rates. Rates for this service shall be the same as for the schedule under which the customer would ordinarily take service, with the following exceptions:


    For self-generation service customers in the residential and small commercial and industrial groups, the monthly customer charge and the distribution services charge shall respectively be the same as those of the medium commercial and industrial class—secondary (M-l).


    In each month, billing demand will be the greater of the maximum fifteen minute kW of the absolute net power that the customer received from or injected into the PWP power system during the current month or preceding eleven months.


    In each month, the billing determinant for the Transmission Services Charge shall be the sum, over the hours of the month, of the hourly net power that the customer received from the PWP power system, but in no event less than zero for the month.


    For energy charges and energy credits, billing determinants shall be quantified as follows:


    For customers on seasonal flat energy rates, the monthly billing determinant shall be the net power that the customer received from the PWP power system during the month.


    For customers on time-of-use (TOU) energy rates, the billing determinant for each TOU period shall be the net power that the customer received from the PWP power system during each period.


    For any period during which the customer's net power received from the PWP power system is negative (i.e., during which the customer injects net power into the PWP power system), the customer shall not pay an Energy Charge but shall instead receive an energy credit.


    The applicable energy credit periods shall be one month for customers on seasonal flat rates and TOU periods for customers on TOU rates.


    The energy credit for each period shall equal the product of:


    The customer's net injection into the PWP power system during the period and PWP's average power cost applicable to that period.


    Credits shall be given to the customer in the form of offsets to charges on the customer's bill. If, in any month, a customer's credits (including any credit carry-forwards from previous months exceed that customer's charges, the net credit will carry forward to the customer's bill for the following twelve months.


    The customer shall be responsible to reimburse PWP for any and all upgrades to PWP's power system which are necessary due to the customer's generation, including, without limitation, metering equipment.




    The above service is subject to PWP rules and regulations.


    This schedule will be applied to each meter at point of delivery or receipt, and in no event will meter readings be combined.


    Customers shall sign an interconnection agreement with PWP.


    Customers shall comply with Regulation 23.

(Ord. 6901 § 18, 2002)