§ 13.04.177. Net energy metering.  

Latest version.
  • The rates and conditions of services hereunder shall be as provided by Schedule NEM as follows:

    Schedule NEM

    Net Energy Metering




    Applies to eligible customer-generators, as defined in Section 2827 of the California Public Utilities Code, operating a renewable electrical generation facility, as therein defined, located on the customer's owned, leased, or rented premises with a capacity of no more than one megawatt that is intended primarily to offset part or all of the customer's own electrical requirements and which is interconnected and operates in parallel with PWP's power system pursuant to an interconnection and metering agreement with PWP.


    Customer shall make application to PWP to take service under this schedule. Such application shall indicate whether customer elects to take service under Section 13.04.177(B) (annual net metering) or Section 13.04.177(C) (monthly or bi-monthly net metering). Customer may make application to change such selection only once in any 12-month period. Customers that have entered into interconnection and net metering agreements with the City of Pasadena prior to the effective date of this section shall take service pursuant to Section 13.04.177(B) unless and until customer makes application to PWP to change to Section 13.04.177(C).


    Annual Net Energy Metering.


    All rates charged will be in accordance with customer's otherwise applicable rate schedule as set forth in the applicable sections of this chapter. Such charges shall be determined on a net energy metering basis as defined and described in Public Utilities Code Section 2827. Capitalized term in this subsection B shall be as defined in Public Utilities Code Section 2827.


    This rate schedule is available to eligible customers on a first-come, first-served basis until the total rated generating capacity used by eligible customer-generators under this schedule exceeds 5% of PWP's aggregate customer peak demand, or such other percentage as may be required by state law.


    Customer in its application for service under this schedule shall make an affirmative election to receive either (a) compensation for the net surplus electricity generated during the calculation period or (b) credit against future billings based on the value of the net surplus electricity generated during the calculation period. If customer does not make such election, customer shall not receive compensation or credit for net surplus electricity.


    The rate for net surplus electricity compensation shall be equal to the applicable energy services charge over the customer's billing period plus 2.5¢ per kWh for renewable energy attributes or credits associated with net surplus electricity delivered by the customer, subject to the special condition in subsection (D)(4).


    Billing. Billing under this subsection B shall be as follows:


    Customers shall receive a statement from PWP on or about each anniversary date of the customer's interconnection and metering agreement.


    Residential and small commercial customers may elect to pay the outstanding balance, if any, owed to PWP in accordance with their regular billing cycle. All other customers shall pay any outstanding balance owed to PWP in accordance with their regular billing cycle.


    For net surplus electricity, if any, PWP shall either credit or compensate customer based on customer's affirmative election pursuant to Section 13.04.177(B)(2).


    Monthly or Bi-monthly Net Metering.


    Service under this subsection C (monthly or bi-monthly net metering) is not subject to Public Utilities Code Section 2827.


    When customer takes more electricity from PWP than customer delivers to PWP, customer's rates for electrical service from PWP shall be as set forth in the applicable sections of this chapter. Such charges shall apply to the net electricity delivered to customer.


    When customer delivers more electricity to PWP than PWP delivers to customer:


    Customer's rates for electrical service from PWP shall be as set forth in the applicable sections of this chapter using zero kWh consumption; and


    Customer shall receive a credit in an amount equal to the net electricity delivered to PWP multiplied by the sum of the applicable energy services charge over the billing period plus 6.6¢ per kWh plus 2.5¢ per kWh for renewable energy attributes or credits, subject to the special condition in subsection (D)(4).


    Billing. Billing under this subsection C (monthly or bi-monthly net metering) shall be as follows:


    Customers shall receive a monthly or a bi-monthly bill from PWP. Customers shall pay the outstanding balance, if any, owed to PWP.


    In the event a customer eligible for a net credit, PWP may, in its sole discretion, either apply such credit against other charges on the bill or carry forward the credit to the next billing period. Customer may request payment once every twelve months or any time the credit owed exceeds $50.00.


    Special Conditions.


    Customer shall reimburse PWP for all expenses involved in purchasing and installing a meter that is capable of registering electricity flow in two directions.


    Customer shall sign an interconnection and metering agreement with PWP.


    Customer shall comply with all applicable PWP rules and regulations, including without limitation, Regulation 21 and Regulation 23.


    To be eligible to receive 2.5¢ per kWh for renewable attributes or credits under subsections B (annual net metering) and C (monthly or bi-monthly net metering), customers must demonstrate to PWP that such renewable attributes or credits have not been sold, transferred, or otherwise used for any statutory or regulatory compliance purposes.


    To be eligible to take service under this rate schedule, customer must establish and maintain its status as an eligible customer-generator as defined in Section 2827 of the California Public Utilities Code. Customer shall promptly report to PWP any change in such status. Customer shall promptly make available to PWP upon request documentation and other relevant evidence to verify such status. Customer shall reimburse PWP for payments made by PWP under this rate schedule in the event customer did not qualify as an eligible customer-generator under state law at the time such payments were made.

(Ord. 7203 § 4, 1-10-2011; Ord. 7218, §§ 1—4, 1-30-2012)

Editor's note

Ord. 7218, § 6, adopted Jan. 30, 2012, provides that this section shall apply retroactively to January 1, 2012.