§ 13.04.087. Unmetered rates—Demand.  

Latest version.
  • The rates and conditions of services hereunder shall be as provided by Schedule CE 2—Demand, as follows:




    Applicability. Applies to any unmetered telecommunications devices and other equipment with 30 kW demand or greater, but less than 300 kW demand where metering installations would be impractical, unavailable, uneconomical or restricted by the city.


    Billing Determinants.


    Monthly Energy Consumption. PWP shall determine the monthly energy consumption by multiplying the number of hours in the billing period by the maximum hourly energy consumption of the unmetered equipment based on the manufacturer's specifications and operating characteristics. For the purpose of this schedule, monthly energy consumption shall be deemed to be the kWh delivered.


    Monthly Billing Demand. PWP shall determine the monthly billing demand based on the maximum demand (kW) of the telecommunications devices and other equipment as set forth in the manufacturer's specifications.


    Rates. Customer shall pay the sum of the following charges:


    Customer Charge Per Connection Per Month:

    Customer charge: $60.22


    Distribution Charge. The distribution rate for customer shall be as follows:

    All kilowatts of demand: $10.87 per kW


    Transmission Services Charge. Customer shall pay a transmission services charge in accordance with Section 13.04.170 for each kWh delivered.


    Energy Services Charge. Customer shall pay an energy service charge as follows:

    Seasonal Flat Rate:
    Season Energy Services Charge per kWh
    Summer $0.07338
    Winter $0.06213



    Power Cost Adjustment. Customers shall pay a power cost adjustment in accordance with Section 13.04.173.


    Public Benefit Charge. Customer shall pay a public benefit charge in accordance with Section 13.04.230 for each kWh delivered.


    General Conditions.


    Customer shall be solely responsible to install, own, operate, and maintain all equipment. City shall not be responsible for any damage to customer's equipment under any circumstances.


    Customer and PWP shall mutually agree upon each location for unmetered telecommunications devices and other equipment installations. Each location or connection shall be deemed a separate account.


    Customer shall not increase connected load or change the character of telecommunications devices and other equipment without providing written prior notice to PWP of at least 30 days. Customer shall furnish PWP written notice of any change in the connection configuration, rated electrical load, or operating characteristics of such equipment. In event customer does not provide such written notice, PWP may estimate customer's actual energy use and back bill the customer.


    From time to time, PWP may audit customer's equipment using a temporary meter. Customer's fixed electric rate shall be adjusted based upon the results of the audit. Customer shall provide city personnel with access to customer's equipment and provide assistance as necessary to complete the audit.

(Ord. 7203 § 3, 2011; Ord. No. 7221, § 11, 7-9-2012)