§ 12.24.450. Connections to city sewer outside city limits.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The engineer shall not issue any permit to make any connection whatsoever to any sewer of the city at a point located outside the corporate limits of the city unless and until the legislative body of the city by contract has authorized the applicant to make such connection and such applicant has performed all the terms and conditions of the contract to be performed by him.


    No person shall make any connection whatsoever to any sewer of the city at a point located outside the corporate limits of the city without first securing a permit therefor the same as if the connection was to be made at a point located within the corporate limits of the city except that a deposit shall be made for only the cost and expense of inspection of the work of making said connection by the engineer.

(Ord. 3387 § 41, 1937)