§ 12.24.430. Change of facility location upon request by city.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    In the event that during the period of time any facility or equipment is located in, upon, along, across, under or over any street the city shall change the grade, width or location of any street, or improve any street in any manner, including laying of any sewer, storm drain, conduit, water or other pipe, or construct any pedestrian tunnel or other improvement, and, in the opinion of the engineer such work shall render necessary any change in the position or location of any facility or equipment in the street including the support thereof while such work is being done or performed, or the disconnecting or reconnecting thereof, the owner shall begin the work of doing any and all things to effect such change in position or location in conformity with such written instructions at his own cost and expense, within 20 days after written notice from the engineer and request so to do.


    The city reserves the right for itself to lay, construct, erect, install, use, operate or maintain below surface or above surface improvements of any type or description in, upon, along, across, under or over the streets of the city. If the necessary location for such improvements conflicts with any facilities or equipment laid, constructed, erected, used, installed, operated or maintained pursuant to any permit issued hereunder or under a similar ordinance, whether previously laid, constructed, erected, used, installed, operated or maintained or not, the owner, at his own cost and expense, within 20 days after written notice from the city manager and request so to do, shall begin the work of changing the location of all facilities or equipment so conflicting with such improvements to a location in, upon, along, across, under or over the street, to be approved by the engineer.


    The city engineer may grant in writing an extension of the time specified in this section for the commencement of work if in his opinion such extension of time is necessary.

(Ord. 3447 § 39, 1937; Ord. 3387 § 39, 1937)