§ 12.24.390. Maps filed of installations under streets.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    It is made the duty of every person owning, using, controlling or having an interest in any facility or equipment below the surface of any street, to file in the office of the engineer a map or set of maps, each drawn to a scale of not less than 200 feet to 1 inch, which map or set of maps shall show in detail the exact location, elevation, size, description and date of installation, if known, of any and all facilities or equipment except laterals, services and service pipes, upon any street. Said map or set of maps shall be so filed within 15 days from the 1st day of January of each and every year. Each such map or set of maps shall be accompanied by an affidavit endorsed thereon, subscribed and sworn to by such person, or if a corporation, subscribed and sworn to by the president, secretary, general manager or other authorized agent thereof, or if a department of the city, subscribed and sworn to by the head of such department, to the effect that said map or set of maps correctly delineates the data required by this chapter. After any such map or set of maps have been filed with the engineer, they shall become official documents of the city, and be the property of the city thereafter.


    It is unlawful for any person to fail, refuse or neglect to file any map or set of maps at the time and in all respects as required by this section.

(Ord. 3447 § 4, 1938; Ord. 3387 § 34, 1937)