§ 12.24.370. Refunds and release of surety on bond.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Where any permit fee or deposit has been paid more than once, or illegally, erroneously or wrongfully paid or collected, it shall be refunded by the city controller upon the approval of the engineer where a claim therefor has been filed with the city controller within 30 days after the expiration of the permit. The claim shall be on a form furnished by the controller, verified by the person who paid such fee or special deposit, his attorney, authorized agent or guardian, or his executor or administrator, and shall set forth the name and address of the claimant, the amount and date of the payment sought to be refunded, and the ground upon which the claim for refund is based.


    Where any permit fee or deposit has been paid and no work has been done under the permit issued therefor, a refund of 100 percent of the inspection fee and 100 percent of the deposit shall be made to the applicant by the director of finance.


    A deposit, or balance thereof, shall be refunded by the city controller, after approval of the engineer, to the person making such deposit, his attorney, authorized agent or guardian, or his executor or administrator, at any time after 15 days after all sums due and owing the city have been paid or deducted from the deposit and after all permits issued to the person making such deposit have expired, and all work authorized has been completed and accepted by the engineer.


    The surety on a bond filed in lieu of a general deposit may be released from liability thereon at any time after 15 days after all sums due and owing the city have been paid, and after all permits issued to the person filing such bond have expired, and all work authorized by any permit issued to the person has been completed and accepted by the engineer, when an application for release from such liability, duly verified by the principal and the surety, shall have been filed with the engineer setting forth the name and address of the surety, and the date, number and amount of the bond. The release of the surety from liability shall be effected by an order signed by the engineer and approved by the city attorney and the city manager, which order shall be filed by the engineer with the bond thereby released.

(Ord. 5375 § 2, 1978; Ord. 5368 § 23, 1978; Ord. 5041 § 8, 1971; Ord. 4739 § 1, 1965; Ord. 3461 §§ 4, 5, 1939; Ord. 3387 § 32, 1937)