§ 12.24.350. Permit—Termination date.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Every permit for making a house connection to a sewer, or for making repairs to the same, shall terminate within 15 days after the date of issuance, provided that any excavation made for the purpose of making a house connection to a sewer shall be refilled in the manner required by this chapter within 3 days after the date of commencing such work, and within 1 day after final inspection of the pipe, if any, by the engineer, and nothing in this chapter contained shall be construed to allow a longer period of time therefor.


    If any person fails, refuses or neglects to complete the making of any house connection to a sewer, or to refill any excavation therefor within the time required by this section, the engineer shall complete the refilling of such excavation in the manner required by this chapter, and the engineer shall deduct and retain the cost of the refilling from the deposit made at the time of securing the permit therefor.


    If the work provided for in any permit is not completed within the time prescribed herein, such permit shall be canceled and the city shall retain the permit fee therefor.

(Ord. 3447 § 3, 1938; Ord. 3414 § 4, 1938; Ord. 3387 § 30, 1937)