§ 12.24.280. Refilling—Requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    On completion of the work provided for in the permit, the permittee shall refill in a workmanlike manner any excavation and/or remove any obstruction in the street, and it is unlawful for any person to fail, refuse or neglect to comply with this requirement.


    The refilling of all excavations shall be made in the following manner:

    The dirt or earth removed shall be replaced and carefully tamped in layers not exceeding 4 inches in thickness, and each layer shall be well flooded with water and allowed to stand until the water has seeped away before the next layer is put on, and the top layer shall be well flooded with water and tamped, although the same may be less than 4 inches in thickness. The top of the dirt or earth placed in said excavation shall be not more than 2 inches above the surrounding surface of the street.


    The top surface of the dirt or earth refilled in any excavation shall conform sufficiently to the level of the adjoining street surface and shall be compacted so that it is hard and smooth enough to be safe for traffic to pass over at the legal rate of speed. If the top surface of the dirt or earth cannot be maintained in such condition, the permittee shall maintain barriers and torches or red lights around it as herein provided, until the surface of the street has been restored to such condition as would permit the safe passage of travel thereon and the use thereof.


    The permittee may use either a hand or mechanical tamper weighing not less than 1 pound per square inch of face, and satisfactory to the engineer. If, after any excavation has been refilled as herein provided, and the dirt or earth placed in the excavation settles so as to bring the surface of the refilled material below the surrounding surface of the highway, the permittee shall refill the excavation with dirt or earth and keep the same so refilled until the surface of the street has been restored by the city.


    If, in the opinion of the engineer, soil, climatic or other conditions are such that a more compact refilling of excavations may be secured by employing methods other than specified in this section, the engineer shall so advise such permittee, and in such instance the permittee shall use the method of refilling excavations prescribed by the engineer.

(Ord. 3387 § 23, 1937)