§ 12.24.180. Permit—Changes in application made by engineer.  

Latest version.
  • The engineer may make such changes in the application as to the location, size and depth of any excavation, tunnel or bore as he may deem necessary for the protection of the streets wherein such excavation, tunnel or bore is to be made, or as in his judgment are necessary for the proposed purposes thereof, and may make such changes as to location, size or character of an obstruction, street betterment or temporary driveway constructed, erected, made, left, placed or maintained, in, upon, along or across, under or over any streets as in his judgment are necessary to comply with good engineering and workmanship, to prevent undue interference with travel upon the streets, or danger to the safety of persons using the same, and may make such changes as to location or elevation above or below the surface of the street of any facility or equipment to be constructed, erected or placed as in his judgment are necessary to prevent undue interference with travel on the streets or danger to the safety of persons using the same.

(Ord. 3387 § 13, 1937)