§ 12.24.080. Filing drawings, profiles and specifications.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    If an applicant applies for a permit to do any work mentioned in paragraphs numbered 1, 2 or 3 of subsection A of Section 12.24.060, at the time of filing such application the applicant also shall file with the engineer a drawing or plat showing the proposed location, size and depth of an excavation, tunnel or bore to be made, the proposed location and elevation above or below the established grade of the center line of the street, and if below the street, the proposed elevation below the actual surface of the roadway, the character of the street improvement or street betterment, facility or equipment or work to be done as the case may be; provided, however, that the filing of the drawing or plat shall not be required when an application is filed requesting a permit to excavate in a street for the purpose of making a service connection when extending a lateral to a property line from a main duct line, or for the location of trouble in conduits or pipes, or making repairs thereto, or for any minor work of repair, reconstruction or excavation when the description of the work to be done in the application gives all the data required by this subsection to be shown on a drawing or plat.


    The applicant for a permit pursuant to the provisions hereof, upon demand of the engineer at any time before the completion of the work mentioned in the application, will submit to the engineer as soon as practicable, any additional drawings, or any profiles or specifications of the work to be done or performed he may deem necessary, or of the street improvement, street betterment, or facility or equipment, as the case may be, to be constructed, erected, installed, maintained, operated, repaired, reconstructed or removed. The engineer may order all further work stopped until such additional drawings or profiles or specifications have been approved by the engineer.


    At the time any person applies for a permit for making a tunnel or bore in any street, he shall submit to the engineer for approval, specifications setting forth the method proposed to be used in backfilling the tunnel or bore.


    Any work done pursuant to paragraphs numbered 1, 2 or 3 of subsection A of Section 12.24.060 shall be done and performed in accordance with the drawings, plans, profiles or specifications designated in the permit issued therefor.


    Any applicant for a permit to place or paint any street or house numbers, letters or names on any curb, parkway or any other street betterment in the city shall be subject to such special rules and regulations as may be adopted from time to time by the board of directors. Such rules and regulations shall be adopted and amended by motion of the board.

(Ord. 4876 § 3, 1968; Ord. 3387 § 4, 1937)