§ 12.22.110. Installation standards applicable to all telecommunications facilities.  

Latest version.
  • A permit for telecommunications facilities within the public right-of-way shall comply with the following installation standards.


    The telecommunications facility shall be colored to blend with other streetscape or surrounding features to the extent feasible.


    In the event the parkway and/or roadway, where approved, adjacent the applicant's telecommunications facility disturbed or altered in the process of installation, the applicant shall restore the parkway to the condition in which it existed prior to installation.


    No modifications to above-ground or at-grade telecommunications facility, including those related to size, color, and shape of the housing, may be made by the applicant without first having obtained approval from the director.


    Where feasible, as new technology becomes available, the applicant shall place an existing or proposed above-ground telecommunications facility below ground.


    There shall be no more than one above-ground telecommunications facility per each residential frontage.


    In residential districts where a telecommunications facility is proposed adjacent to a corner lot, the facility shall be located along the side yard and not on the primary frontage of a residence, if feasible.


    To the extent feasible, the area surrounding the telecommunications facility shall be maintained with landscaping or alternate screening. The landscaping shall be irrigated and of a sufficient height and density to screen the facility from the public sidewalk and parkway.


    The applicant shall obtain the director's approval of a tree protection plan prepared by a certified arborist for the installation of any telecommunications facility located within the canopy of a street tree, or a protected tree on private property, or within a minimum of a 10-foot radius of the base of such a tree. Depending on site specific criteria (e.g. location of tree, size and type of tree etc.), a radius greater than 10 feet may be required by the director.


    No telecommunications facility may be illuminated unless specifically required by the Federal Aviation Administration or other governmental agencies.


    At the discretion of the director, the applicant may be required to provide an authorization to permit the city to hire an independent, qualified consultant to evaluate any technical aspect of a proposed wireless telecommunications facility, including, but not limited to, issues involving radio frequency emissions, alternative designs, and alternative sites. Any authorization for this purpose shall include a deposit to cover all reasonable costs associated with the consultation. Any proprietary information disclosed to the city or the consultant is deemed not to be a public record, and shall remain confidential and not to be disclosed to any third party without the express consent of the applicant, unless otherwise required by law.

(Ord. No. 7164, § 2, 5-18-2009)