§ 12.16.120. Relocation permits required.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Relocation Permit. No permit for the moving of any building or structure shall be issued until the city building and code enforcement administrator has first issued to the owner of the premises to which the building is to be moved a permit to relocate the particular building upon those premises. Such permit shall be called a "relocation permit."

    However, such permit shall not be required if the building is to be moved to any premises located outside the city.


    Application for Relocation Permit. Every application to the city building and code enforcement administrator for a relocation permit shall be in writing upon a form furnished by the city building and code enforcement administrator and shall set forth such information as the city building and code enforcement administrator may reasonably require in order to carry out the purposes of this section.

    All applications for relocation permits shall expire 180 days after date of application. If a building permit is not issued within the 180-day period, a new application shall be required for which a new fee shall be charged.


    Inspection Costs. Before any application for a relocation permit is accepted, an application fee shall be paid by the applicant to the city building and code enforcement administrator to cover the cost of investigation and inspection. The application fee shall be $38.00 for a building (including garage), or $15.00 for each dwelling unit, separate store or tenancy, whichever is greater, for any building located within the city. Buildings located outside the city to be moved into the city shall be subject to an additional charge of $150.00 per building.


    Faithful Performance Bonds. Before any such relocation permit shall be issued, the applicant shall:


    File in the office of the city building and code enforcement administrator a faithful performance bond, commonly designated as a "relocation bond," in an amount at least 10 percent more than the city building and code enforcement administrator's estimated cost of the work required under terms and conditions imposed by the city manager; and said bond shall guarantee that the required work shall be completed within 90 days of the date on which the building is moved to its new location; provided, however, that such time may be extended by the city building and code enforcement administrator upon written application showing good cause therefor;


    File in the office of the public works department a faithful performance bond, commonly designated as a "moving bond," guaranteeing completion of the moving work within the time specified on the permit, in an amount specified by the public works department not to exceed the sum of $10,000.00. The bond shall also guarantee the repair or costs of repair for damaged curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, pavement, signs, trees, poles and light and power facilities caused by the moving, or the cost of moving a building from a public street or alley as specified in subsection A of Section 12.16.110.


    The faithful performance bonds shall be executed by a corporate surety in compliance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 2959, codified at Chapter 2.64, and shall be approved as to form by the city attorney. The bonds shall inure to the benefit of the city and be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the work required under the terms and conditions of the relocation permit to the satisfaction of the city building and code enforcement administrator and public works department, respectively. In lieu of the faithful performance bond a cash deposit in said amount may be made with the city controller.


    No "moving bond" shall be required for Class A permits.


    In addition to the faithful performance bond, a cash deposit shall be made with the public works department. Said cash deposit is subject to refund or additional billing and shall be used to pay for repairs to city-owned property which may be caused, either directly or indirectly, by the subject house moving. In no way shall this deposit limit the applicant as to his responsibility to pay for damages.


    Safety Factors. No permit shall be issued to relocate any building or structure which is so constructed or designed that it does not fully conform to the provisions of all applicable codes and ordinances currently in effect for the intended use and location of the structure. The city building and code enforcement administrator may grant a permit to relocate a building or structure which does not fully conform to the provisions of all applicable codes and ordinances provided the building or structure will be modified, reconstructed or repaired at its new location to fully conform to such applicable code and ordinance provisions. Relocated buildings shall be compatible in age and general appearance with other buildings in the area into which they are moved.


    Denial of Permit. If the unlawful, dangerous or defective condition of the building or structure proposed to be relocated is such that remedy or correction cannot practicably and effectively be made, the relocation permit shall be denied.

(Ord. 6183 § 4, 1986; Ord. 5368 § 22, 1978; Ord. 5078 §§ 2—7, 1972; Ord. 5070 §§ 9, 10, 1972; Ord. 4323 § 2, 1954: Ord. 4317 § 2, 1954; Ord. 3853 § 1 (part), 1945: Ord. 3250 § 7A, 1935)