§ 12.16.100. Permit—Fees and deposits.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Permit Fees. Before issuance of any permit hereunder the applicant shall pay the following permit fee:

    Class A permit ..... $ 8.00

    Class B permit ..... 50.00

    Class C permit ..... 50.00

    Class D permit ..... 80.00

    Class E permit ..... 165.00


    Deposits. Any person, firm or corporation who regularly moves vehicles or equipment under a Class A permit may, in lieu of paying the permit fee in advance each time a permit is issued, maintain with the public works department a general deposit in an amount of $100.00 or an amount not less than the total cost of all permits issued to said person, firm or corporation during any prior 60 consecutive day period, whichever amount is larger. The general deposit shall be maintained by the city as a guarantee of payment of permit fees for all permits issued to the person, firm or corporation. Where a permittee maintains a general deposit with the public works department for the purpose stated above, the city will bill the permittee monthly for all permits issued during the preceding month. Bills will be due and payable upon presentation and will be delinquent 15 days thereafter. At any time a bill for permit fees becomes delinquent or the total cost of permits issued within any 60-day period exceeds the amount of the deposit placed with the public works department, the department shall request the city controller to deduct all outstanding charges from the general deposit and thereafter the issuance of any additional permits shall be withheld by the public works department until all outstanding permit charges are paid.


    Inspection Fee. The applicant shall deposit additional sums of money as determined by the director of public works to pay for an inspector or inspectors to be on the job at the time of the move. The actual cost, including truck time, plus 10 percent, shall be paid in advance with a 6-hour minimum. Additional deposits may be required to protect other city interests as warranted. Said deposits shall be refunded only if the permittee notifies the director of public works of cancellation of the move prior to 3:00 p.m. of the afternoon preceding the scheduled move.

(Ord. 6183 § 3, 1986; Ord. 5368 § 20, 1978; Ord. 5222 § 1, 1975; Ord. 5078 § 1, 1972: Ord. 5070 § 6, 1972: Ord. 3250 § 6, 1935)