§ 12.14.160. Revocation or suspension—When.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The director may temporarily suspend any operator's or sponsor's permit, without a hearing, whenever the continued valet parking operation by the permittee would, in the director's discretion, constitute a danger to public health, safety, welfare or public morals, including, without limitation:


    The operations have interfered with, or threaten to interfere with, the public's use of the streets, the normal flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic on any public right-of-way or city-owned property;


    The operations would threaten a hazard to public safety; or


    Failure to maintain the minimum levels and standards of liability insurance or claims reserves.


    The notice of temporary suspension may be personally delivered to the party named or to the address given on the application pursuant to which such permit was issued, or mailed by registered or certified mail to the party named at the address given on the application pursuant to which such permit was issued. The temporary suspension is effective upon the earlier of either receipt or the expiration of 5 days from the date of mailing. The notice of temporary suspension shall include a notice of hearing and all other information required by Section 12.14.170. The temporary suspension shall remain effective until the decision on revocation or suspension is final, or, in director's discretion, until the condition is corrected.


    The director may, from time to time, with or without temporary suspension, suspend or revoke any operator's or sponsor's permit whenever the director determines, after notice and bearing as set forth in Section 12.14.170, and based upon substantial evidence, that the permit holder, or any of its drivers, employees, agents, or subcontractors:


    Have operated or parked vehicles, or operated the valet parking operations, contrary to law, including the use of unlicensed drivers or the failure to comply with the Pasadena Municipal Code, this chapter or the regulations hereunder, or state law in connection with the operation under permit;


    Have failed to comply with or violated any permit condition, including failure to maintain the minimum levels and standards of liability insurance or claims reserves for any period of time;


    False or incomplete permit application information was provided;


    Any reason exists for which the permit might have been denied in the first instance;


    The operations constitute a danger to public health, safety, welfare or public morals, including without limitation, interference with the public use of the streets, the normal flow of vehicle or pedestrian traffic on any public right-of-way or city owned property; or


    The operations constitute a public nuisance, including, but not limited to, a visual blight.


    The director may charge the sponsor and/or operator a revocation fee, in an amount set from time to time by resolution of the city council, for each notice of revocation.


    Any revocation, suspension or modification of any permit shall be in addition to any other penalties otherwise provided by law.


    Should the permittee continue to operate after the permit has been terminated and should the city be forced to file suit to restrain permittee, the permittee shall, in addition to criminal and other penalties herein, reimburse the city for its reasonable costs and expenses in connection therewith, including attorney's fees.

(Ord. 6546 § 2 (part), 1993)