§ 12.14.090. Valet parking permit standards.  

Latest version.
  • All permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall conform to the following requirements and such regulations as may from time to time be issued by the director, and no permit may be issued which does not so conform.


    All operators or sponsors must submit a valet parking plan for each location. The sponsor and operator shall be responsible for providing adequate automobile storage to accommodate all valet parked vehicles, without using streets or other public property. A plan may not be required, in the director's discretion, if all driving and parking is entirely on private property. Should any portion whatsoever of any public street or other public right-of-way be driven on, a plan is required. This plan, and any modifications thereof, must be approved in advance and in writing by the director.


    Sponsors must post a sign during their business hours at each location where they take possession of vehicles. The sign must identify the name, address and telephone number of the operator, the rates charged and the hours of operation. The sign must be approved in advance by the director.


    The operator shall, upon the receipt of each motor vehicle accepted for valet parking, give a claim check to the owner. The claim check shall explicitly state the terms add conditions under which the vehicle is being accepted.


    A copy of the operator's and sponsor's permits, business licenses and route diagram must be maintained at every valet parking operation site. A copy of the permits and business licenses must be maintained and conspicuously posted at every valet parking operation site.


    A sponsor's permit continues to be valid at the approved site, even though the sponsor changes operators. The new operator at the site must have a valid operator's permit.


    The city may charge street usage fees for the use of city streets and properties by valet parking operations, which fee shall be set from time to time by resolution of the council.


    The city may charge a parking meter cover fee, which fee shall be set from time to time by resolution of the council.


    The city may charge sign fees for the cost of installation and maintenance of valet parking-related signs, which fee shall be set from time to time by resolution of the council.


    An operator with a regular permit or special event permit may assess the owner or driver of a motor vehicle which it accepts for valet parking a reasonable fee for its services; provided, that the sponsor has agreed in writing that fees may be charged of such owners and drivers; and further provided that the operator shall provide each such owner and driver advance notice of the applicable fees to be charged.


    Use, occupation and obstruction of the public right-of-way which is permitted under this chapter may be temporarily suspended, without prior notice or hearing, when, in the discretion of the director, the police chief, or the fire chief, any such use, occupation or obstruction may interfere with public safety efforts or programs, street improvement activities, special events, construction activities, cleaning efforts or other similar activities, or with the health, welfare or safety of the public.


    The director may, in his or her sole discretion, place additional conditions upon the issuance of the permit in order to insure the protection of the public rights-of-way and the rights of all adjoining property owners and the health, safety and welfare of the public.


    Permits for the use of the public right-of-way shall be considered temporary and nonpermanent in nature, and permittee shall have neither property interest in nor any entitlement to the granting or continuation of any such permit.


    Permits for the use of the public right-of-way may be terminated by the city, with or without cause, regardless of the nature and scope of financial or other interest in, or on account of, the permit or the permitted use.


    Permits and activity pursuant to permits shall conform with all other applicable city and other governmental requirements, except as otherwise provided herein.

(Ord. 6706 §§ 7—9, 1997; Ord. 6546 § 2 (part), 1993)