§ 12.14.050. Permit types.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Any person wishing to operate or sponsor a valet parking operation must obtain a valet parking permit from the city's public works and transportation department. Two types of permits must be obtained:


    A sponsor must obtain a sponsor's permit for valet parking service at the sponsor's place of business or function;


    An operator must obtain an operator's permit to engage in a valet parking operation anywhere in the city.


    The sponsor, not the operator, shall submit the application for a sponsor's permit. The sponsor must either submit the copy of the operator's permit or provide documentation that the valet parking operator has a current permit. The sponsor shall warrant the accuracy of both applications.


    The sponsor is responsible for seeing that the operator operates in full compliance with the law, including this chapter and all regulations hereunder. Violations by the operator will subject the sponsor, as well as the operator, to fine, loss or suspension of permit and all other sanctions described herein.


    The sponsor, not the operator, shall contact the city to establish valet parking areas.


    The sponsor, not the operator, shall present the valet parking plan.


    The sponsor must submit the operator's certificate of insurance as described in Section 12.14.130 of this chapter for each valet parking site or location, along with the application for the sponsor's permit


    Where there is a nonprofit valet parking operation and an operator is being used, the operator is responsible for seeing that all requirements of the law, including this chapter and all regulations hereunder, and subsections A through F, above, are complied with.

(Ord. 6546 § 2 (part), 1993)