§ 12.14.030. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of this chapter, unless it is plainly evident from the context that a different meaning is intended, certain terms used herein are defined as follows:


    "Council" means the city council.


    "Director" means the director of public works and transportation or his or her designee.


    "Driver means the person in direct and immediate possession or charge of, or driving or operating, the vehicle being parked in a valet parking operation.


    "Operator" means any person engaged in the business of a valet parking operation.


    "Nonprofit valet parking operation" means a temporary valet parking operation where no fee is charged:


    At a private residence;


    For a nonprofit organization; or


    For a public entity.


    "Person" means a natural person, firm, partnership, association, corporation or other business entity, and employees, agents and subcontractors thereof.


    "Sponsor" means any person who operates, or causes to be operated, a valet parking operation at the sponsor's place of business or function.


    "Street" means a way or place of whatever nature maintained and open to the public use of vehicular traffic, including city-owned parking structures or facilities.


    "Valet parking operation" means the receiving, taking possession of, driving, moving, parking or leaving standing, any vehicle that is left at one location to be driven to another location for parking, whether or not a charge is levied, and whether or not done under contract to the business or organization for which the vehicles are being parked, or done independently. It does not include operators of public or private off-street parking operations or facilities where customers park their own vehicles and remove the keys themselves.


    "Valet parking plan" means a written plan describing the location where the valet parking operation will be performed, the off-street parking location at which vehicles will be parked and the number of parking spaces available and not required for off-street parking requirements under the zoning code.


    "Valet parking sign" means a sign, temporary or permanent, approved by the director designating the location and hours of an authorized valet parking operation.

(Ord. 6546 § 2 (part), 1993)