§ 12.13.110. Termination.  

Latest version.
  • The director may notify the permittee in writing of a termination and specify the time within which the termination is to take place or, in the discretion of the director, immediately terminate the permit without prior notice. Upon delivery of a notice of termination, the city shall have the right to require the immediate removal of all obstructions in the public walkway; and may perform such removal if the permittee fails to do so within such time as specified by the director. The permittee shall reimburse the city for any expense incurred by the city in removing any obstruction in the event it is not removed by the permittee within the time required by the city. Should the permittee continue to use the public walkway after the permit has been terminated, the city may take appropriate action to restrain the use of the public walkway by permittee and, in such event, the permittee shall reimburse the city for its reasonable costs and expenses in connection therewith, including reasonable attorney's fees and court costs.

    In the event a permit is terminated by the city, permittee is entitled to a pro rata refund of the annual permit fee.

(Ord. 6515 § 2 (part), 1992)