§ 12.13.080. Indemnification of city.  

Latest version.
  • As a condition of issuance, the permittee, and any person acting under or pursuant to said permit, agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, release and defend (even if the allegations are false, fraudulent or groundless), to the maximum extent permitted by law, the city, its board and each member thereof, and its officers, employees, commission members and representatives, from and against any and all liability, loss, suits, claims, damages, costs, judgments and expenses (including attorney's fees and costs of litigation) which in whole or in part result from, or arise out of, or are claimed to result from or to arise out of any acts, negligence, errors or omissions (including, without limitation, professional negligence) of permittee, its employees, representatives, subcontractors, or agents by reason of or arising out of, or in any manner connected with, any and all acts, operations, privileges authorized, allowed or undertaken pursuant to the permit including, without limitation, any condition of property used in the operations.

    This agreement to indemnify includes, but is not limited to, personal injury (including death at any time) and property or other damage sustained by any person or persons (including, but not limited to, companies, or corporations, permittee and its employees or agents, and members of the general public).

    As a further condition of issuance of the permit, permittee covenants not to sue the city, its directors, employees, agents and representatives and shall cause its insurers to waive subrogation against the same with respect to any action, cause of action, claim or demand in any way resulting from or connected with any and all undertakings and operations conducted pursuant to the permit.

(Ord. 6515 § 2 (part), 1992)