§ 12.13.050. Application.  

Latest version.
  • A person desiring a permit shall file an application with the director and shall pay the application fee specified by resolution of the board. The director shall establish a form for applications for a permit, including any application materials deemed necessary to enable complete review of the application. The application shall include a declaration under penalty of perjury that all information is true and correct and shall contain, at a minimum, the following information:


    The name and business address of applicant if a natural person; if an entity, the name and address of the individual authorized to bind the entity in contract; if a corporation, the name, address and telephone number of the president or chairman, of the agent for service of process and of the local manager, if any, and the state of incorporation;


    If applicant is not the owner of the abutting property, then applicant shall obtain approval of the application signed by the legal or beneficial owner of abutting property, or by his duly authority agent. Any person signing the approval as an agent shall furnish a written authorization for such purpose;


    Plans satisfactory to the director which show in detail the dimensions of the sidewalk dining area, a description of its use and the arrangement of the occupancy including, but without limitation, all obstructions and activities in the public walkway, the number of seats, tables, a schedule of time of use, and all utility connections to be utilized in connection with such occupancy;


    Sufficient evidence to establish, to the satisfaction of the director, in his or her sole discretion, that the proposed use is not inconsistent with the underlying dedication for public right-of-way and is not inconsistent with the city's title or estate in the underlying public walkway;


    Certification by the zoning administrator that the abutting property has previously received all zoning entitlements consistent with the operation of a sidewalk dining area and is in compliance with all zoning regulations;


    If applicant wishes to serve alcohol within the sidewalk dining area, then applicant must demonstrate the manner of intended compliance with the additional standards for serving alcohol set forth in Section 12.13.066.

(Ord. 6524 § 1 (part), 1993; Ord. 6515 § 2 (part), 1992)