§ 12.13.030. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    "Abutting property" means the property directly abutting the portion of the public walkway in which the sidewalk dining area is to be placed.


    "Adjoining property" means a property which both adjoins the abutting property and fronts with it on the same public walkway.


    "Director" means the director of the department of public works and transportation or his or her designee.


    "Obstruction" means any object which completely or partially blocks a path of travel on a public walkway and includes all temporary structures, appurtenances, furnishings and furniture attendant to a permitted use under this chapter.


    "Permit" means the sidewalk dining permit created by this chapter.


    "Person" means any individual, firm, company, account, association, partnership, corporation, joint venture, or any other entity.


    "Public walkway" means all or any portion of territory within the city set apart and designated for the use of the public as a thoroughfare for primarily pedestrian travel, including alleys, the sidewalks, the center and the side plots thereof.


    "Sidewalk dining area" means an area within the public walkway set up in conjunction with the use of the abutting property for dining and including both any obstruction and any activity related to dining, including, but without limitation, waiting for tables, waiting on tables, busing tables and entertainment.

(Ord. 6515 § 2 (part), 1992)