§ 12.04.040. Notice—Form.  

Latest version.
  • The notice to repair shall describe the work to be done, designate the materials to be used and specify the manner in which the work shall be done and shall be substantially in the following form:

     "NOTICE TO REPAIR (sidewalk, curb, driveway, bulkhead, retaining wall, park or parking strip). The owner of the property described as follows _______ commonly known as _______ is hereby ordered to repair the (sidewalk, curb, driveway, bulkhead, retaining wall, park, or parking strip), in front of or abutting said property in accordance with specifications No._____ on file in the office of the City Engineer and Superintendent of Streets of the City of Pasadena, and all ordinances of the City of Pasadena pertaining thereto within ten (10) days from the date hereof, or to appear before the legislative body of the city at a regular meeting thereof, held within said ten (10) days, and show cause why said work should not be done or why the time therefor should be extended. If the work herein indicated is not commenced within the time fixed herein, or any extension thereof granted by said legislative body, the said city engineer and superintendent of streets will cause the work to be done, and the cost thereof, including any incidental expenses, will be made a lien upon said property pursuant to Ordinance No._____.

    Estimated Cost of Repair $_____



    City Engineer and Superintendent of Streets of the City of Pasadena."

    The title to the notice shall be in letters not less than 1 inch in height and the body of the notice shall be printed in not less than 12 point type.

    All words in parentheses above, except that or those to be covered by the notice, shall be lined out.

(Ord. 3870 § 1, 1946: Ord. 3665 § 3, 1942)