§ 10.46.140. Temporary suspension by police chief.  

Latest version.
  • The city manager may temporarily suspend any nonexclusive franchise without a hearing under the following circumstances: Whenever the continued operation by the franchisee would constitute a danger to public health, safety, welfare or public morals, including, without limitation, where there is a failure to maintain the minimum levels and standards of liability insurance or claims reserve, whenever there is a failure to keep in full force and effect any applicable licenses or permits required by federal, state or local law or whenever the franchisee has failed to observe or has defaulted in any material term of the franchise or franchise agreement including, without limitation, timely payment of franchise fees. The notice of temporary suspension may be personally delivered to the party named and to the address given on the application pursuant to which such franchise was issued, or, mailed by certified mail to the party named at the address given on the application pursuant to which such franchise was issued. The temporary suspension is effective upon the earlier of either receipt of said notice or the expiration of 5 days from the date of mailing. The notice of temporary suspension shall include a notice of the date and time for a termination hearing and all other information required by Section 10.46.130. The temporary suspension shall remain effective until the decision on termination by the city council is made pursuant to Section 10.46.130 or unless the suspension is earlier lifted by written notice of the city manager.

(Ord. 6862 § 6, 2001: Ord. 6718 § 2 (part), 1997)