§ 10.46.060. Application for franchise.  

Latest version.
  • At least one time per calendar year, the city manager shall cause publication, in the manner described in Section 4.08.060 of this code, of a notice of request for applications for police towing franchises. Any person who intends to operate as a franchisee shall apply to the city by filing with the police chief, upon forms supplied by city and in accordance with the request for applications, a verified application containing at a minimum the following information:


    Name and address of applicant;


    If the applicant is a partnership, the name and address of each partner shall be set forth in the application. If the applicant is a corporation, the application shall state the names and addresses of the corporation's directors, main offices, major stockholders and associates, and the names and addresses of the parent and subsidiary companies;


    A list of all vehicles, including license plate numbers and vehicle identification numbers, to be used in connection with the franchise for which the application is filed;


    A list of all personnel assigned to perform services pursuant to such franchise accompanied by the California driver's license number and license class of each such person;


    Proof of insurance in a form acceptable to the city;


    Such other and further information as the police chief may reasonably require to evaluate and process an application.

(Ord. 6862 § 3, 2001: Ord. 6718 § 2 (part), 1997)