§ 10.41.080. Preferential parking permit—Application and issuance.  

Latest version.
  • The director shall issue preferential parking permit applications and shall issue permits, by street or streets, upon proper application therefor. Permits shall be issued only as follows: Annual permits shall be issued for passenger vehicles, pick-up trucks and vans but only upon application of a resident or merchant who is the currently registered owner. Each application and reapplication shall be on a form provided by the director and shall contain sufficient information to satisfy the director as to the identity and qualifying address of the applicant, the applicant's registered ownership, the license number of the vehicle and proof of current registration. No more than one annual permit shall be issued for each vehicle for which application is made unless reapplication is made and proof is provided, to the satisfaction of the director, that an issued permit was lost, stolen or destroyed. No more than three annual permits shall be issued to any dwelling unit or merchant at any point in time. The director may withhold issuing any permit for a vehicle for which there is evidence of any outstanding, unpaid parking violation. Permits shall be issued, denied or conditionally issued within 30 days of application. Any person wishing to contest a denial must do so in writing to the director within ten days of the date of the notification of denial, setting forth all the facts which the permit holder wishes the director to consider, and a decision thereon shall be made by the director within 15 days of receipt.

(Ord. 6665 § 2 (part), 1996)