§ 10.12.060. Accident and vehicle repossession reports.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The driver of any vehicle who is involved in an accident resulting in death or injury to any person, damage to the property of any 1 person in excess of $100.00 or any damage to city owned property shall, within 24 hours, report such accident to the police department on a form for this purpose provided by the police department.

    Whenever the driver of a vehicle is physically incapable of giving a report and there was another occupant capable of doing so, such occupant shall give or cause such report to be given.

    The person in charge of any garage or repair shop to which is brought any motor vehicle which shows evidence of having been involved in an accident of which report must be made as provided in this subsection, shall during such periods as designated by the chief of police, notify the police department immediately after such motor vehicle is received.


    Every person, firm or corporation, or officer, manager, agent or employee thereof who repossesses, in the city, any motor vehicle sold, exchanged or financed by such person, firm or corporation, shall immediately after the repossession, make out and file, either in person or by authorized agent, at the Pasadena police department, a full and complete report of the repossession of the vehicle or vehicles. The report shall be written and shall contain the name and address of the person, firm or corporation making such repossession, the name and address of the person, firm or corporation from whom such repossession was made, the make, the state license number, motor number, style and seating capacity of the motor vehicle repossessed. The report shall not be required when a repossession is made with the knowledge of the person in charge of such vehicle.

(Ord. 5180 § 3, 1974; Ord. 4143 § 1 (2.07), 1950)