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  • (a)

    Upon the death of any member receiving a retirement allowance pursuant to the provisions of Sections 1509.1, 1509.12, 1509.15, 1509.33 or 1509.4 hereof, 60% of the member's retirement allowance shall, if not modified in accordance with one of the optional settlements now or hereafter specified by ordinance, be continued throughout the life of the surviving spouse.


    Upon the death of any member receiving a service connected disability retirement allowance pursuant to the provisions of Sections 1509.3 and 1509.31 hereof, 100% of the member's retirement allowance shall be continued throughout the life of the surviving spouse.


    If there be no surviving spouse, then the allowance which would otherwise be paid to the surviving spouse had he or she qualified and lived and not remarried, shall be paid to such child or children under said age of 21 years, collectively, to continue until every such child dies or attains age 21 or marries provided that no child shall receive any allowance after marrying or attaining the age of 21 years. No allowance shall be paid under this Section to a surviving spouse unless the surviving spouse was married to the member at least one year prior to said member's date of retirement.

(Sec. 1509.6 amended by vote of the people 3-4-03)