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  • In order to continue in force, with such modifications as are set forth in this Article, provisions already existing for retirement and death benefits for members of the Fire and Police Departments of the City, the Pasadena Fire and Police Retirement System, hereinafter referred to as the Retirement System or the System, is hereby established. The legislative body of the city may exclude from membership in the Retirement System persons employed on a temporary or part-time basis, but for the purpose of Retirement System, persons serving a probationary period requisite to appointment to a regular position shall not be considered as on a temporary basis. The legislative body by a vote of not less than six of its members, is hereby empowered to enact any and all ordinances necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this Article provided that the said legislative body, through the Retirement Board, shall secure an actuarial report of the cost and effect of any proposed change in the benefits under the Retirement System, before the adoption of an ordinance to submit any proposed Charter amendment providing for such change.

(Sec. 1501 amended by vote of the people 11-3-1998.)