Latest version.
  • On authorization of the City Council, any surplus utility funds may be invested in any bonds issued by the City of Pasadena, or any bonds issued by any school district situated in whole or in part in the City, or any bonds or certificates of indebtedness issued by the State of California or the United States, or in banks in interest-bearing accounts, and any such securities may be sold and the proceeds of such sale may be invested in other such securities. Interest earned from such funds shall go to the credit of the respective utility interest expense account. In authorizing the investment of any such surplus funds, preference over other securities shall be given by the City Council to the bonds of the City issued for the purposes of either utility. No officer shall be personally liable for any loss to the City arising out of any such investment, unless such loss shall be the loss of the securities themselves due to the negligence or malfeasance of such officer.

(Sec. 1406 amended by vote of the people 3-9-1993.)