Latest version.
  • Before granting any franchise, the City Council shall adopt a resolution declaring its intention to grant a franchise and stating the name of the proposed grantee, the character of the proposed franchise, and a general summary of the terms and conditions upon which it is proposed to be granted. Such resolution shall set forth the day, hour, and place when and where any person having an interest in or objecting to the granting of such franchise may appear before the City Council and be heard. Said resolution shall be published at least once, not less than ten days prior to said hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the City. After hearing all persons desiring to be heard, the City Council may, by ordinance, grant the franchise. No ordinance granting a franchise shall be adopted as an emergency measure, but shall be subject to the referendary power reserved to the people.

(Sec. 1104 amended by vote of the people 3-9-1993.)